Marine Grade Foam & Spray Insulation Machines: Manufactured in US

Empire Foam Solutions has over 15 years experience working with and developing foam products for the marine industry and others. Located in Upstate New York, we provide foam solutions for customers across the country including marine foam clients in Miami, Norfolk, Savannah, Los Angeles, Chesapeake Bay, New Orleans, Kentucky, Mississippi, and New Jersey.

Marine Foam

We are the developer of a cost-effective, closed cell, US Coast Guard Approved flotation foam that can be used for a number of marine uses. In addition to manufacturing, Empire Foam Solutions works with installers across the country to provide you with a one-stop marine foam solution.

M-Power Spray Foam System

Empire Foam Solutions is the designer and manufacturer of the patent-pending M-Power Spray Foam Machine and related components. The M-Power System is a low pressure spray foam machine that is a perfect spray foam system for contractors and DIYers looking to install foam or go into the spray foam insulation business.

m-power system

Other Foam Products

As a polyurethane formulator, Empire Foam Solutions manufactures several stock foam products in addition to doing custom foam mixes for your unique needs.

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Stock Foam Products

In addition to our coast guard approved flotation foam, we also stock polyurethane spray and injection foams for a variety of uses.

Custom Foam Formulations

We develop custom foam formulations for customers according to their unique needs, whether they require spray foam, marine foam, flotation foam mixes, or any other custom foam project.

Have a Foam Problem? We provide a Complete Solution.

Whether you’re looking for a flotation foam contractor or you’re just looking to purchase some polyurethane spray foam, Empire Foam Solutions can help. Contact us at 518-852-2812 or fill out our online contact form to discuss your project and request a quote today!