Are you buying new barges or floating platforms that are going in harms way? Is there a risk of interactions with sharp rocks/reefs or other puncture producing obstructions?
Protect your investment or the investment of your customer by filling as many flotation chambers with Empire Foam Solutions 2.2 Flotation Foam, as is necessary, to create a sink-proof structure. Your insurance company will be happy to hear about this improvement.
Do you have an old barge or flotation platform past its prime? Above the waterline, the metal is solid but so thin below that a major, very expensive/extensive re-plating/patching is required?
Installing Empire Foam Solutions 2.2 Flotation Foam is a cost-effective option, that can also put your asset back into service many weeks faster than the re-plating project. Calculate the below the waterline volume in cubic feet. Multiply by the installed cost of our Flotation Foam (call for details) and see how it compares. We believe you will be quite encouraged by the major cost savings and speed of completion and finally, this will be the last time you will ever need to address this issue.